Terms of Use
By using Tralev application or website you agree to:- tralev and its partners can reuse the images or other content you contribute without limitations
- other parties (third parties) will remain to reuse images under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Licence (CC BY 3.0). Please if you reuse image or other content from Tralev, put a link to the original image or if it is not technically possible please mention Tralev as a source of the image
- Tralev might delete an image you did upload without notice to you. If you want to keep your copy please use other service, Tralev is not image backup service. Even more, it's in our intention to delete images of poor quality, images we don't like or images our audience don't like.
- Tralev reserves right to modify picture uploaded with you and to keep and reuse modified image
- By using Tralev application and website, you understand and agree that Tralev or the company managing it shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses (even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages)
- Tralev reserves right to rewise or changes it's terms uf use from time to time
DMCA Compliancy
We don't want to infringe the proprietary rights of others. Our policy is to respond to notices of alleged infringement that comply with the formalities of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Pursuant to the DMCA, we will terminate, in appropriate circumstances, users and account holders of our system and network who are repeat infringers. If you are the owner of content that is being improperly used, you may request that the content be removed under the DMCA. Please provide an ID of image(s) in our system and adress where the image is available at the internet. Send a complaint by email to contact@numbeo.com or send mail at this address:Numbeo Doo Drziceva 9/13 11120 Belgrade Serbia
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